Thursday, March 3, 2011

Video Game Music

For the most part, music in video games is just there to help provide a certain mood and is not really thought to be a headlining aspect of it. But throughout the rise in popularity of video games over the past decade, a few games and even series' have shown us some that video game music can be more then just a pathetic fallacy.

Now, we are all familiar with the Super Mario Bros. theme song and I'm sure if I started to hum Tetris many would join in but because gaming remains such a closed culture, there are many many pieces that remain completely unknown to the greater public.

There are arguments all over the place concerning the "Best" music in a video game but as with pretty much anything in life, this is quite a subjective position to take and I'd like to remind you that these are my personal favourites and if I've left anything out that you feel are worth a mention, feel free to leave a comment.

Personally my favourite soundtrack (and game actually) comes from Golden Sun for the gameboy advance.
The first video is the soundtrack from your hometown which is a complete rip off of fly me to the moon. This is one of the more simple and relaxed soundtracks in the entire game but highlights the main instruments that are present in the rest of the games music.

One thing to keep in mind, while the "instruments" sound like bad electronic versions, this was made quite a while ago and on a cartridge that is pretty small. The company that made this game, Camelot, uses close to the same instruments in all of it's games and the sound is one I've grown to love.

This second video is probably my favourite song in the entire game. It happens on the last main level of the story and really makes you feel like everything you've worked for is coming to an end and that you will be victorious.

Last from this game actually comes from the first "dungeon" located inside your hometown. One thing to keep in mind when listening to all of these is that as with all video game music, it would be looping in the background constantly. I felt this was a good example because of how well it reflects something able to be looped without getting too old and annoying.  The first half is significantly more interesting, sort of drawing your attention to it, while the second half is more like background music allowing you to sort of ignore it. This is why I feel it works so well, it is not constantly demanding your attention but when it does, it delivers something that sounds great.

Anyways, there is much more out there in terms of great video game music, I just wanted to share some from my favourite game. At some point I'll probably continue the topic and go through some other games but I wasn't feeling too hot today and just wanted to get some content done. What is your favourite video game music? I know a lot of people like the music from Square Enix games, but I'm curious if there are any great soundtracks to some not as well known games.

As always, your thoughts, opinions, and comments of great praise are appreciated.


  1. I'm a big fan of the Megaman 2 soundtrack myself

  2. First one is best! I thinking of download this one! hehe :)

  3. Oh the nostalgia! Great post (consider this a comment of great praise).

  4. Loved golden sun, probably my favorite gba game! Great game, great music.

  5. Sonic 2 soundtrack for me. Check out 8bit people if you like some cool midi/8bit/dance/techno songs :D

  6. Nice songs, never played Golden Sun :(

  7. ive always found the music of video games particularly entertaining

  8. Nice. The game's musics that i loved the most since ever, were from Shenmue. Such epic songs!

  9. The best Video Game Music was made by:

    Donkey Kong 2
    Mario Bros. 1
    and Zelda: Link to the Past

  10. golden sun soundtrack is pretty dece I am more a fan of FFVI though (of FF3 for the SNES).

  11. my favorite was super mario world 2 for snes, awesome soundtracks! xD

  12. Oh god, used to spend hours playing that. Brings up memories ^^

  13. Square Enix always knows what to do with music :D

  14. A bit Zelda-esque at times. Great soundtrack.

  15. Epic sounds man. Love zelda <3

  16. By far the sickest soundtrack to a gba game ever!!!

  17. I know this isn't the midi sounds your looking for, my favorite sound track to a game has always been the Halo soundtrack.

  18. I'm pretty sure Trevor Rabin did Armageddon...

  19. ahh i love videogame music original and orchestra versions, i dont know why but i do.

    if you have the chance sometime the super mario galazy 2 soundtracks are amazing.

  20. I agree with TVR, Square Enix soundtracks are always solid.
